Tuesday, November 10, 2009

8 Megapixel Camera Phones Cellular Series

8 Megapixel Camera Phones Cellular Series
Combining jaw-dropping looks with phenomenal power, I reckon it’s fair to say that when the Sony Ericsson C905 is released over here, it’s going to be the single best camera phone that the UK’s ever seen. Mind you, Sony Ericsson do have a pedigree with camera phones, so the fact that this one looks like it’s the bee’s knees and various other good bits of other animals should come as absolutely no surprise whatsoever. Back from the days of the old clip-on Ericsson camera module, through the more recent K-Series mobile phones and onwards into today’s dedicated Cyber-Shot ‘C-Series’ phones, Sony Ericsson have proven, time and again, that they don’t muck about when it comes to mind-blowingly good phones.

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